Heavenly Scented Rocks is a home-based business owned and operated by Frank and Viola Gray of Delaware since January of 2004. Our mission is to supply the global consumers with fine quality products that will enhance the living experience of those who use our products. 

Our current product line is Heavenly Scented Rocks Potpourri, Car Scents and the Heavenly Scented Rocks Gift Basket. We will issue updates as we include other select items in our product line. 

We will strive to give the best of service in connecting our products with the consumer market. We will work hard at developing franchise opportunities and keep an open ear and mind to innovative marketing possibilities.

We plan to be a major force in supplying families all around the world with products that are purposed in enhancing the life experience. 

We will have our products in homes, businesses, churches, automobiles, buses and other places that people may congregate in mass or privately.



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